Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

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Entering 2021

Over 65 years, the college has trained more than 25,000 specialists, about half of the leaders and employees of consumer cooperation in Altai are our graduates.

Today, more than 1600 students study at the college, the quality of education of which is ensured by the high professionalism of the teachers team, the use of innovative educational technologies, modern educational and technological equipment.

In accordance with the License, the Barnaul Cooperative College conducts educational activities in the following specialties:





based on 11 classes

based on 9 classes

based on 11 classes

based on 9 classes

19.02.10 Cookery and Confectionery

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

4 years 10 months

38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by field)

1 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

38.02.05 Merchandising and examination of the quality of goods

1 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

38.02.04 Commerce (by field)

1 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

40.02.01 Law and social services

1 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

2 years 10 months

3 years 10 months

In addition, the college provides additional training, additional education and additional education for children and adults.

Barnaul Cooperative College:

✔️ a platform for spectacular professional competitions with the invitation of regional and city leaders, partners and employers

✔️participant and organizer of the events of the federal project "Career in Russia" and the Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills)

✔️is in the national register "Leading educational institutions of Russia"

✔️the leader of the rating of educational institutions of consumer cooperation in Russia.

Conditions of entering

Entering to the collegeis based on a publicly available basis (without entrance exams, according to the competition of certificates).

Graduates of the college can continue their studies at the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation.


When applying (in Russian) for admission to educational organizations, the applicant submits the following documents:

Citizens of the Russian Federation:

  1. original or copy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  2. original or copy of education certificate and (or) education and qualification document
  3. 4 3x4 photos;

In addition to the certificate, applicants must undergo a compulsory preliminary medical examination at their place of residence.

List of specialist doctors:

otolaryngologist, therapist, psychiatrist, narcologist, dermatologist, dentist.

List of laboratory and functional studies:

- blood on RW;

- feces on deese. salmon group (in SES); feces per egg leaf;

- general blood test + LP + throm; sugar, blood cholesterol;

- General urine test; ECG;

- smear on gntr; a smear for an oncologist. (for women)

List of general and additional medical contraindications:

- Congenital malformations, deformations, chromosomal anomalies with persistent pronounced disorders of organ and system function;

- Mental illness with severe, persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations and conditions equated to them, appropriate for mandatory observation in neuropsychiatric dispensaries.

Note: for entering to the technical school, the original education document is provided

Working time of the reception committee:

Weekdays: from 8-00 to 17-00 without lunch

Saturday: from 9-00 to 13-00

Sunday: not working

Receptioncommittee: tel.: +7 (3852) 36-88-23, WhatsApp + 7 (913) 2-760-780

Barnaul Cooperative College has State License No. 226 of 24.10.2015, Certificate of State Accreditation No. 010 of 15.03.2018.