Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

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Logistics of the educational process

General characteristic:

lecture rooms with a total area of 1431.3 m2

training laboratories with an area of 536 m2

sports hall with an area of - 644.7 m2

stadium for physical education and sports - 1812 m2

library and reading room area - 349.6 m2

dining room with area of 122 m2

student dormitory - a five-story building with a total area of ​ ​ 4766.6 m2, residential area - 2719 m2

31 study rooms; 9 laboratories; 3 training culinary workshops, 2 training confectionery workshops, 1 training store; 5 computer classes, 2 conference rooms with 70 seats; 1 assembly hall for 200 seats, equipped with acoustic and light systems, multimedia equipment; 1 teaching room; 1 sports hall, electronic shooting range; 1 library (with a library stock of 15,000 units); 1 reading room; 1 museum of the history of consumer cooperation of the Altai Region.

Reference of the material and technical educational activities for licensing educational software

Visit a 3D tour of the Barnaul Cooperative College

  • Information of the availability of equipped classrooms, including those adapted for use by persons with disabilities

    The college has 31 multimedia audiences (20 projectors and 11 LCD TVs with a large diagonal). The training part AWS is used to provide the educational process. Programs were purchased for working in the multimedia class "Technologist-Confectioner," "Technologist-Culinary," R-keeper, "Economics and Accounting," "Commodity Science and Consumer Product Quality Examination. Managing the assortment of goods, "" Seller, controller, cashier, "" Cook-pastry, "" Catering technology, "" Marketing, "" Accounting theory, "warehouse accounting programs.

    The list of classrooms, laboratories, workshops, etc. for training in the specialties of vocational education

  • Information of the availability of facilities for practical activities, including those adapted for use by persons with disabilities

    The college has training rooms and laboratories necessary for the implementation of the educational process in accordance with the existing GEF ACT. Design and equipment of classrooms meets modern technical requirements, goals and objectives of training of specialists, comprehensive computerization of the educational process. The study rooms are equipped with modern equipment, an interactive board, multimedia installations. There is a training store equipped with AWS Kassir TorgService, trading equipment and equipment; training accountancy, equipped with computers, banknote counter, currency detector. Specialized computer laboratories equipped with a sufficient number of modern personal computers are used to train specialists, which are distributed in 5 computer classrooms, study rooms, administrative and office rooms, and are combined into a local network.

    Training culinary and confectionery workshops, laboratory of chemistry and microbiology are equipped with modern equipment and technical means. Installed steam convectomate, coffee machine, bar, etc. The training part AWS is used to provide the educational process. Programs were purchased for working in the multimedia class "Technologist-Confectioner," "Technologist-Culinary," R-keeper, "Economics and Accounting," "Commodity Science and Consumer Product Quality Examination. Product Assortment Management, Seller, Controller, Cashier, Cook Confectioner, Catering Technology, Marketing, Accounting Theory, Warehouse Accounting Programs

    The list of classrooms, laboratories, workshops, etc. for training in the specialties of vocational education

  • Information about the library, including those adapted for use by persons with disabilities

    General information

    The foundation of the library of the technical school has 19658 (including 3170 electronic educational publications), of which 14155 are educational literature for the training of middle-level specialists.

    The library actively collaborates with the main libraries of the city - AKUNB named after V. Ya. Shishkova, TsGB named after N. M. Yadrintsev, branch No. 36 - hold joint events, uses the services of the MBA (Inter-library subscription).

    Library Structure


    The subscription provides each student with the basic educational literature for the implementation of the educational process in all disciplines.

    Book exhibitions are constantly operating in the library: "Novelties"; "New periodical"; themed shelves are decorated: "Encyclopedia. Reference books. Dictionaries"; "Books about the Altai Territory"; "Books on the Great Patriotic War"; "Books on the history of Russia and the world"; "Healthy lifestyle." More than 13 titles of newspapers and magazines were published, including Gastronom, School of Gastronomy, Our Business, Business Bulletin, Tovaroved Food Products, Store Management, Physical Culture and Sports, Social Service, Military Knowledge, etc.

    Book exhibitions are regularly organized to help the educational process and to events, such as the "Polygon of Professions," for the jubilees of writers and poets, for significant and memorable dates.

    The subscription is equipped with three computers connected to the Internet and the Local Network of the college.

    The formation of the book fund has a positive growth dynamics. Reference and encyclopedic publications, textbooks, monographs, popular science and fiction are purchased both in traditional print and in electronic form.

    Reading room

    The reading room is designed for 50 seats and is equipped with computers connected to the Internet and the local network of the technical school.

    Help and Search Engine

    Much attention is paid to the search engine.

    Since November 2013, the library has installed an automated information library system "1С: Library," which allows you to manage the library's information resources, organize an electronic catalog to more quickly search for the necessary information about the library's fund, and perform bibliographic help.

    Library Services

    • Provision of documents from the library fund (subscription, night subscription, reading room);
    • Issuance of standard sets of educational and methodological literature;
    • Advice on finding and selecting sources of information;
    • Information and bibliographic maintenance (compilation and design of literature lists in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation ")
    • Access to the electronic catalog of the library
    • Access to "Consultant-Plus" (reference legal system under the legislation of the Russian Federation with regular updating)
    • Internet access

    Library operation mode:

    Monday-Thursday from 07.45 - 16.30

    Friday from 07.45 - 15.30

    Saturday-Sunday - day off



    VK. Library. Barnaul Cooperative College

    Head of the library: Levina Irina Borisovna

  • Information of the sport objects including adapted for use by disabled people and persons with disabilities of health

    The gym of college is equipped with exercise machines for development of all groups of muscles and the functional systems of an organism, auxiliary shells (the Swedish walls, a step platform, benches, jump ropes, fitballs, mats, gymnastic mats, stop watches, etc.). The hall is equipped with mirrors, the equipment for music of classes and trainings.

    For holding educational and training classes in game sports, ski preparation the stadium and skiing lodge are rented.

    Sports equipment: basketball, football, volleyballs; boards, gate, baskets, grids, racks, antennas; grids for playing badminton, rackets for playing badminton, the equipment for power exercises (for example: dumbbells, weighting compounds, rubber, bars with a set of various burdenings, bodibara); the equipment for classes aerobics (for example, a step platform, jump ropes, gymnastic mats, fitballs), a gymnastic crossbeam, the Swedish wall, stop watches, balls for tennis, a path rubber razmetochny for jumps and throwing; the equipment necessary for realization of a part on professional and applied physical training.

    For classes skiing: skiing lodges with lyzhekhranilishcha, workshops for small repair of ski stock and warm locker rooms; the educational and training ski tracks and routes of descents on slopes meeting safety requirements; ski stock (skis, boots, ski sticks, ski ointments, etc.).

    Technical means of training:

    - audio system, portable columns, the microphone, the computer, a multimedia projector, the screen for a possibility of demonstration of sets of exercises;

    - electronic media with records of sets of exercises for demonstration on the screen.

  • Information of the means of training and education including adapted for use by disabled people and persons with disabilities of health

    The college has the academic building, the hostel, has the dining room, the gym, the assembly hall, library with the reading room. The Material base of technical school is constantly updated and improved at the expense of own means. The college has educational offices and the laboratories necessary for implementation of educational process according to the operating FGOS SPO. Registration and the equipment of offices complies with modern technical requirements, goals and objectives of training of specialists, a comprehensive computerization of educational process. Educational offices are equipped with the modern equipment, an interactive board, multimedia installations. Educational culinary and confectionery shops, laboratory of chemistry and microbiology are equipped with the modern equipment, technical means. The coffee machine, a bar counter, etc. are installed steam convectomate. Are available the educational shop equipped with the Cashier's automated workplace TorgServis, the trade equipment and stock; the educational accounts department equipped with computers, the banknote counter, the detector of currencies.

    For training of specialists the specialized computer laboratories equipped in enough with modern personal computers which are distributed in 5 computer audiences, educational offices, administrative service premises are used are united in local network. In technical school 31 multimedia audiences are equipped (20 projectors and 11 LCD TVs with big diagonal). There is a high-speed Internet connection on a fiber-optic dedicated line on speed of 200 Mbps, the free Wi-Fi-Internet for all students and employees. In educational process information means, such as operating systems are widely used: MS Windows of 7 Professional, MS Windows10 Professional, MS Windows of 2008 Server, MS Windows of 2016 Server and also Microsoft Office software products 2010, Microsoft Office2016, GIMP, a complex of software products on base 1C 8.3, the Cashier's automated workplace TorgServis, Union of Right Forces "Consultant Plus". 4 computers are equipped with web – cameras. The 3D printer is installed. There is a laboratory of the trade equipment equipped with the Cashier's automated workplace TorgServis and 1C Rarus: Mall. For ensuring educational process the automated workplace of a teaching department is used. Programs for work in the multimedia class "Bakery Technologist", "Technologist-culinary specialist", R-keeper, "Economy and accounting", "Merchandizing and examination of quality of consumer goods are acquired. Management of the range of goods", "Seller, controller, cashier", "Pastry chef", "Technology of products of public catering", "Marketing", "Theory of accounting", programs of warehouse account. For information on news and events in college the information screen is used (LCD is the monitor).

    The college has sufficient information and methodical providing. The fund of educational and methodical literature increases and is constantly updated. 14 names of periodicals, such magazines as are written out: "Chief accountant", "Modern trade", "Commodity researcher of food products", "Management of shop", "School of an epicure", "School of an epicure. A collection of recipes", "The business bulletin", "Merchandizing of nonfoods", "Epicure", "Physical education and sport", "The Altai bulletin of Rospotrebnadzor", "The administrator of education", "Our business", TortDeko, etc. are available to students electronic versions of educational literature and electronic periodicals. For information and methodical ensuring educational process in library the training materials developed by teachers of technical school of different problems concentrate: lectures, grants, albums, methodical recommendations, etc. The volume of fund of the main educational literature with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and other federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation is 75% of all library stock. The library has enough additional literature on all specialties which students can use for increasing knowledge on disciplines, for writing course and theses, the organization of independent work. The quantity of educational literature on one student of the contingent brought to full-time courses is 17 copies.

    Repairs of educational audiences, laboratories, administration premises, inhabited and utility rooms in the hostel are annually made.

    In the main building of technical school, hot meals of students through distribution of the dining room, buffet are organized, work as the dining room is organized from 11:00 till 15:00 o'clock. In the dining room the food is organized according to the menu various on days of the week. For preparation of dishes modern processing equipment, steam convectomate is used. 

    The college has the hostel. The students living in the hostel are provided to all necessary. Are organized routine maintenance and overhaul repairs of living rooms, the system of video surveillance, fire protection is installed, electric stoves are replaced, fridges, washing machines, etc. the equipment and stock are acquired. In the hostel the room of self-preparation, the recreation room, the reading room with computers, the sports room, the ironing room, shower, a laundry are equipped. In the hostel the health center which serves students of technical school is located.

    In college there is an assembly hall with the equipped places for holding of conferences and the multimedia equipment.

    In college the museum of history of consumer cooperation of Altai Krai is equipped.

    The college has sports gym, the gym.

    For the effective organization of educational activity in technical school the assembly hall calculated on 200 seats for the audience is equipped. The hall has office zone, is equipped with the sound, light and projective equipment.

    In the hostel of college the place for holding leisure events is allocated, the complete set of the sound equipment (mixer, columns, microphones, microphone racks) is acquired.

  • Information of ensuring access to the buildings of the educational organization of persons with disabilities

    Accessibility Passport

  • Information on nutritional conditions, including persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities

    In the main building of the college, hot meals of students are organized through the distribution of the dining room, buffet, the work of the dining room is organized from 11.00 to 15.00 o'clock. In the dining room, meals are organized according to a menu that varies by day of the week. Modern technological equipment and steam convectomate are used to prepare dishes.

    College Canteen Regulation

  • Information of health protection of students, including persons with disabilities

    Medical services for college students are provided by a paramedic in a health center located at: Komsomolsky, d. 104 (dormitory).

    Work Schedule:

    Day of the week                Reception hours

    Monday                                10.00 - 16.00

    Tuesday                                10.00 - 16.00

    Wednesday                          10.00 - 16.00

    Thursday                              10.00 - 14.00

    Friday                                   10.00 - 16.00

    In the health center, students and employees of the college daily can undergo a pre-medical appointment with a paramedic - Efremova Natalia Alekseevna.

    Every year, specialists from the clinic at the city hospital No. 4 conduct a medical examination of students of a new set. During the year, preventive work is carried out - vaccination against various infectious diseases. The paramedic organized outreach work: lectures, conversations, control of the sanitary condition of the hostel.

    For injuries of the musculoskeletal system, you can contact the emergency room of the City Hospital No. 1 at 73 Komsomolsky Ave., Corp.2

    Phone: (3852) 245-862

    Opening hours are daily, 24 hours.

    Polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 4 is located at: Yurina St., 166a

    Phone appointment: (3852) 40-38-64, 55-54-55

    Operating mode:

    Monday - Friday 7.00 - 18.00,

    Saturday 8.00 - 12.00,

    Sunday - weekend

    It is mandatory to have a passport, medical policy and insurance certificate with each application

    Regulation on the Health Center of the College

  • Information of access to information systems and information and telecommunication networks, including those adapted for use by persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities

    Regulation on Internet Access

    Regulations on the procedure for admission of teachers to information networks and databases, educational and methodological materials, museum funds, material and technical means for providing educational activities

    The educational process at the Barnaul Cooperative College is largely based on the use of computer technology and information and communication technologies: classroom sessions are accompanied by a demonstration of presentation and video materials, computer models and simulators; The global Internet and e-learning resources are being actively used. The information systems available to students of the college are adapted for use by persons with disabilities. The official site has a version for visually impaired, the information and legal systems used by students have the ability to scale text and graphic information for visually impaired students, online services for information systems used in the educational process, and are also adapted to configure the interface for user characteristics.

  • In the educational process of the college, the following equipment and multimedia devices are actively used:

    - 152 personal computers;

    - 13 laptops;

    - 20 multimedia projectors;

    - 11 LCD panels;

    - 4 computers are equipped with web cameras;

    3d printer;

    - 1 information screen (LCD - monitor)

    - 1 interactive board.

    The computers of the college are connected to the Internet at a speed of up to 200 Mbps. All computers involved in the educational process have access to the Internet. College local area networks combine 152 workstations. Number of computer classes - 6:

    In working with computer equipment, the college uses licensed software:

    MS Windows operating systems;

    MS Office office software package;

    antivirus program "DrWeb";

    accounting program 1С: Enterprise 8.3;

    Program 1С: College Library

    AWS Cashier TorgService program;

    ATP programme "Consultant Plus";

    programs for working in a multimedia class: "Confectionery technologist," "Cooking technologist," R-keeper, "Economics and accounting," "Commodity science and quality examination of consumer goods. Managing the assortment of goods, "" Seller, controller, cashier, "" Cook-pastry, "" Catering technology, "" Marketing, "" Accounting theory, "warehouse accounting programs.

    The official website of the college operates on the Internet, the site address is The website provides information about the college, educational and educational activities, the work of all its structural divisions. The college has deployed a Wi-Fi zone.

  • Information on electronic educational resources to which access is provided, including those adapted for use by persons with disabilities