Day of foundation of the Barnaul Cooperative College is considered on October 15, 1954.
The Council of Ministers of the USSR the order of August 17, 1954 granted the right to Centrosoyuz to organize in 1954-1955 academic year in Barnaul Cooperative College and to provide reception and training of students with a separation from production on specialties: "Merchandizing of food and manufactured goods", "Accounting in the Soviet trade" and "Technology of cooking".
Classes in technical school began on October 20, 1954.
According to the order of Council of Ministers and Centrosoyuz and the resolution of Board of Rospotrebsoyuz the Board of AKPS made the decision to open the Barnaul Cooperative College on October 15, 1954 with the plan of admittance of students in number of 120 people on offices: accounting – 60 people merchandizing – 30 people, technological – 30 people.
Leonid Savelyevich Rtishchev, the deputy Konstantin Dmitrievich Goryachkin was the first director of technical school.
The big contribution to formation of educational institution was made: The building to the address Polzunov St., 21 which was earlier occupied by Zagotupravleniye of AKPS was provided to technical school and the every possible help with completion was rendered by shots.M.I. Kazantsev, K.A. Shvareva, I.S. Orlov, Z.K. Popova, E.Ya. Kucherova, R.G. Bobrova, V.V. Kashirskaya, E.V. Selivanova and others.
Heads of the cooperative organizations, honored workers of trade became students of the first sets of technical school: V.M. Krasilov, N.S. Tovpyshka, honored teacher of school of N.K. Merkulov and others. N.K. Merkulova successfully worked many years in technical school: since 1976 was a head teacher, and since 1988-2007 – the head.
Since 2009 the staff of educational institution is headed by Irina Nikolaevna Krasilova. Having wide experience of the leading work in the system of consumer cooperation and public work at the regional level, she could reconstruct in a short period cardinally work of educational institution according to modern social and economic conditions.
Now there are more than 1600 students in college on specialties:
The college is entered in the National register "The lead educational institutions of Russia" and the register of socially responsible and socially oriented employers of Altai Region.
By results of federal monitoring of training of 2018 the Barnaul Cooperative College was included into rating TOP-500 of the best professional educational organizations of the Russian Federation and TOP-10 the best institutions of Altai Krai implementing programs of secondary professional education.
The college was among nominees of the All-Russian social and economic project "Elite of the Nation". For achievement of the leading positions in the industries and a contribution to development of economy of the Russian Federation in 2019 the head of college I.N. Krasilova were handed the National certificate "The leader of economy of 2018", the Big gold medal "Business Elite of Russia", the National certificate "Socially responsible enterprise of the Russian Federation", the Diploma of city administration of Barnaul for the I place in the competition "The Collective Agreement — a Basis of Protection of Labour Rights of Workers".
Major factor of success in formation of enterprise competences – existence of the full closed training cycle. The best enterprise products created by students within the "Organization of Cooperative Business and Business" module get support on the platform of Business incubator of technical school.
In technical school the system of mentoring effectively functions. Taking into account needs of the student the mentor develops the individual development plan for the specific student.
The college is an operator of the federal project "The national championship of professions and the enterprise ideas "Career in Russia". In 2012-2020 more than 10000 students, school students, young specialists representing Altai Region, the Tomsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, Altai Republic participated in the events of the championship organized by educational institution and Tyva, about 500 employers were involved as the experts.
Students of colleghe are trainees of the Professional grounds organized on all specialties within the annual schedule diagram of events.
The model Profpoligon is designed according to logic of enterprise education and provides introduction in educational process of practice of dual education. More than 50 students of college adequately represented the region on the all-Russian finals of the championship, in the cities: Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal, Ulyanovsk, Vladivostok, Gelendzhik.
In 2018 the team of college won 5 medals of the National championship, received the Grant of Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation to the winner of the All-Russian competition "Is What to Tell" in the Mobile Communication Coop Connect Platform nomination on development of a startup.
The college successfully joined in the movement Worldskills. In 2016 on the basis of the Barnaul Cooperative Collegewas created the specialized center of competences on competence "Entrepreneurship" on which platform the Regional championships on this competence is organized. Since 2018 on the basis of college there undergo Regional stages of the championship on competence "Entrepreneurship. Juniors", and since 2019 – "Entrepreneurship. Skills of Wise".
Students of the college are four-time winners of the Regional Championship "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) in the competence of "Entrepreneurship," two-time silver medalists and holders of the bronze medal in the competence of "Cookery" and bronze medalists in the competence of "Confectionery".
In 2020, the team of the Barnaul Cooperative College according to the results of the Qualifying Competitions for the first time received the right to participate in the Final of the VIII National Championship 2020 "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) in the competence of "Entrepreneurship."

In May, 2019 the college received the certificate about assignment of the center of holding demonstration examination on which platform 26 students successfully underwent intermediate certification for the "Organization of Cooperative Business and Business" module and received the Skills-passport. In April, 2020 the technical school became the center of holding demonstration examination in competence "Accounting" accredited according to standards of Worldskills Russia, and in June, 2020 the first demonstration examination in this competence took place. Independent experts noted high quality of training of graduates, 8 people executed a practical part according to requirements of NOC.
The college participates in the regional innovative project: "Implementation of the concept of continuous general and professional education on profile (preprofile) training of pupils" on the basis of network contracts with educational schools.
The high professional standard and civil activity of students of the Barnaul Cooperative College is noted by diplomas of the all-Russian and regional level: All-Russian competition of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "My legislative initiative"; The All-Russian competition of research, project and creative works of students "The found generation - science, creativity, spirituality"; International youth administrative forum "Altai. Growth points".
Annually students of college become winners of regional creative competitions and festivals: "Teacher + student", "We together", "Euromix", regional student's academic and research conferences. In 2019 the college took a prize in the Regional stage of the All-Russian Olympic Games of professional skill of students in the Right and the organization of social security.
The teams of college which successfully acted to a regional Sports contest of students and the staff of the professional educational organizations of Altai Krai following the results of 2018-2019 academic years took the 3rd place, and in 2019-2020 academic year - 1 place among POO which aren't taking faculty of physical training and among all POO of Altai Region there is the 3rd place from 20 strongest educational institutions.