Pisareva Kristina Alexandrovna
Занимаемая должность — teacher, teacher-psychologist
Уровень (уровни) профессионального образования с указанием наименования направления подготовки и (или) специальности, в том числе научной, и квалификации
- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Pedagogical University," 2015, with a degree in Special Psychology, qualification - special psychologist
- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Pedagogical University," 2017, specializing in Psychological Counseling, qualification - Master
Сведения о повышении квалификации (за последние 3 года)
AKIPKRO, 2015, "Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process of students in the conditions of the introduction and implementation of GEF," 72 hours, certificate;
- FUBOU VO "Altai State Pedagogical University," 2015, conference "Psychological culture and psychological health in modern Russian education," certificate;
- Altai State University, 2015, conference with international participation "Psychological support for professional development," certificate;
- School of practical psychology of St. Petersburg, 2015, training of technology "Sand therapy," 72 hours, certificate;
- Training on the program of the methodological seminar with the elements of the training "Primary prevention of risky behavior" for older teenagers and youth, 2018.