Chairman of the SSC - Snovitskaya Larisa Vladimirovna
Занимаемая должность — Chief of SCC ofcatering technology, teacher
Уровень (уровни) профессионального образования с указанием наименования направления подготовки и (или) специальности, в том числе научной, и квалификации
- Novosibirsk Institute of Soviet Cooperative Trade, 1986, specializing in Technology and Catering, qualification - process engineer;
- Moscow Order of Friendship of Peoples Cooperative Institute of the Central Union, 1989, specializing in teaching the subject "Cooking Technology," qualification - teacher of a cooperative technical school;
- Graduate school of the East Siberian State Technological University, 2005, degree - candidate of technical sciences.
candidate of technical sciences
Сведения о повышении квалификации (за последние 3 года)
- KGB POU "Barnaul State Pedagogical College," 2016, "Development of working programs of general education disciplines taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary General Education," 16 hours, certificate.