Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

Før jeg træffer en endelig beslutning om at købe Cialis sikkert på nettet på nettet, vil jeg undersøge anmeldelser og feedback fra andre forbrugere.

Tovpyshka Anastasia Yuryevna

Tovpyshka Anastasia Yuryevna

Занимаемая должность — teacher

Уровень (уровни) профессионального образования с указанием наименования направления подготовки и (или) специальности, в том числе научной, и квалификации

- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova," 2012, qualification - economist with a degree in World Economy;

- Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State University," 2017, training direction "Management," qualification - master.

Ученая степень (при наличии)


Ученое звание (при наличии)


Сведения о повышении квалификации (за последние 3 года)

- International Youth Management Forum of APR, "I want to be an entrepreneur," directions "You are an entrepreneur," participant in the International competition of projects "Studio of creative gifts Komilfo," Belokurikha, 2014, certificate;

- Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Center for the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship," 2015, Moscow, participant in training and project sessions of the All-Russian collection of students of Entrepreneurial technical schools, certificate;

- Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Moscow, 2015, workshop "Involvement of youth in entrepreneurial activities," certificate;

- FSBOU VPO "Altai State University," May 2015, "Social Entrepreneurship," 96 hours, certificate;

- APR International Youth Management Forum, Belokurikha, 2016, Management in the direction of "Organization Management," certificate;

- ANO "Kazan Open University of Talents 2.0," August 2016 an internship on the topic: "Management of project creativity of youth," 112 hours, certificate;

- AKIPKRO, 2017, "Pedagogical control and evaluation of the development of educational disciplines (professional modules) of the ACT educational program in the process of intermediate and final certification using the demonstration exam methodology," certificate, 32 hours;

- Finland, Professional College of South Savo, Mikkeli, 2018, training in the program "Development of entrepreneurship on the basis of college, Training in the workplace," 8 hours;

- Autonomous non-profit educational organization of higher education of the Central Union of the Russian Federation "Russian University of Cooperation," 2018, "Management of the development of entrepreneurial competencies in educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education," 72 hours.

- International internship program "International Business College Development Team" (Russia-Finland), 2018

Сведения о продолжительности опыта (лет) работы в профессиональной сфере, соответствующей образовательной деятельности по реализации учебных предметов, курсов, дисциплин (модулей)


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