Tovpyshka Olga Anatolyevna
Занимаемая должность — Deputy Head for Educational Work
Уровень (уровни) профессионального образования с указанием наименования направления подготовки и (или) специальности, в том числе научной, и квалификации
- Barnaul Order of the Red Banner of Labor, State Pedagogical Institute, 1989, qualified as a teacher of English and German languages of secondary school with a degree in English and German |
Сведения о повышении квалификации (за последние 3 года)
- NKOU ACT "Vladivostok Humanitarian and Commercial College of Primorsky Regional Consumer Union," Vladivostok, October 2015, training under the advanced training program in the form of an internship "Training of breakthrough technologies," 40 hours, certificate;
- Association of Educational Organizations of Consumer Cooperation, Ulyanovsk, September 2017, internship on the topic "Professional and entrepreneurial competencies in the ACT and VO as a foundation for creating and generating demand for topical educational products in the logic of the National Championship of Professions and Entrepreneurial Ideas" Career in Russia, "<unk> Russia, TOP-50," certificate, 36 hours.
- FSBOU VO AltGPU, 2017, underwent retraining under the program "Management in Education," 280 hours