Barnaul Cooperative College
Altai Territory,

Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 38

Monday-Thursday from 8.00 to 17.00

Før jeg træffer en endelig beslutning om at købe Cialis sikkert på nettet på nettet, vil jeg undersøge anmeldelser og feedback fra andre forbrugere.

Yarutkina Nina Alexandrovna

Yarutkina Nina Alexandrovna

Занимаемая должность — teacher, Head of Practical Training

Уровень (уровни) профессионального образования с указанием наименования направления подготовки и (или) специальности, в том числе научной, и квалификации

- Siberian Commercial Academy of Consumer Cooperation, 1997, specialty "Commodity Science and Examination of Goods";

- SHU "International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation" Saratov, 2017, Professional Retraining Program "Organizational and Documentary Management Support"

Ученая степень (при наличии)


Ученое звание (при наличии)


Сведения о повышении квалификации (за последние 3 года)

- AKIPKRO "Modern approaches to the organization and management of training and production practices in PSA in accordance with the requirements of GEF and professional standards in dual training," 2017, 36 hours;

- "Aquamarine" training program, 2017 g, 36 hours;

- Employment and Safety Promotion Centre. The knowledge of the security requirements under the program was checked for managers, officials and employees of organizations, 2020, 40 hours;

- Worldskills Russia Academy, 2020, Expert of the WORLDSKILLS standards demonstration exam in the competence "Documentary Management Support," certificate;

- Worldskills Academy Russia, 2020, online course "Navigator for FUTURESKILLS," certificate;

- State budgetary professional educational institution "Perm College of Transport and Service," 2020, "Practice and methodology for the implementation of educational programs of secondary professional education, taking into account the specification of Worldskills Russia standards for competence" Documentary support of management and archival studies, 72 hours.

Сведения о продолжительности опыта (лет) работы в профессиональной сфере, соответствующей образовательной деятельности по реализации учебных предметов, курсов, дисциплин (модулей)


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