Chairman of the SSC - Yushkova Oksana Vasilievna
Занимаемая должность — teacher, сhief of SCC Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines
Уровень (уровни) профессионального образования с указанием наименования направления подготовки и (или) специальности, в том числе научной, и квалификации
- Barnaul State Pedagogical University, 2001, majoring in History, qualification - teacher of history and law |
Сведения о повышении квалификации (за последние 3 года)
- Internship in UPFR, Barnaul, December 2015; feedback on the internship;
- KGB PSP "Barnaul State Pedagogical College," December 2016, "Development of working programs of general education disciplines taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary General Education," 16 hours, certificate.